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I would like to follow the naming convention of Objects = UpperCamelCaseSingular Properties = lowerCamelCase Table Name = lower_underscore_plural column = lower_underscore I see INamingStrategy interface, which is apparently used at runtime, however it does not appear to affect the design-time model at all. When I right-click and say "Update Database", it is ignored. (namingStrategyClass is defined in my Web.config). Is there a way to make design-time use the correct naming convention? Thanks |
Yes what you need to do is to implement a custom designer naming strategy which will give you control over how the designer names the entities based on the database name. You will then want to align your rules with the naming strategy. This is a somewhat obscure feature in LightSpeed so here is what you need to do:
Here is an example :
The key bit in the strategy in general is turning off UseClrNamingConventions which will prevent LightSpeed from re-casing the entity name. You can adjust the other aspects as required. After this is all in place you should see the change when performing an Update Database where the generated entity name should now be based on your custom code.