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Hi I've recently installed Web Workbench because of its SASS syntax highlighting and intellisense. The Syntaxt highlighting is working fine but i am not getting any intellisense menu at all when i am typing. Am i missing something or has anyone else had this issue and was able to fix it? I'm currently using VS2010 and only have 4 extensions installed.
I also use resharper |
Ok i disabled all my plugins and it vixed the issue, i then reinabled one by one and it seems like it is caused by the VS10x CodeMap extension (not the block highlighter). I'm not sure what exactly is causing this at the moment, i'll look through the Codemap settings but i didn't think it had anything to do with CSS or SASS |
I can't see any options that might cause this. this extension its to visualize c# c++ and VB class structures and has nothing to do with intellisense so not sure what the conflict is. I tried adding scss file types to their excludes list but this did not fix it. For the moment i wan have to disable it when working in SASS but i would love some help fixing the issue so i have to keep disabling and re-enabling it. |
Does it have any settings relating to XML files? It might be that because the default underlying Visual Studio editor which we use is the editor associated with XML that this has some influence on it.
Not that i can see, it embeds an area into the editor to visualize the class structure for c# and vb files. not sure if that could be causing the issue. anyway this is the extension |