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Hello , I would like to know whether the following features are supported: 1. allowing some properties to be read-only during run time (meaning : not allowing the editing on them 2. Determine the elements order in a category 3. Determine the Category Order in a PG page 4. Switching from "Exapnder" category to Tabed based categories.(meaning each Category is on a seperate tab) 5. Attaching the Property Grid a "bussiness Object" and selectivly tell the PG which field to display and which fields not to display. 6. Change the label names of a specific element. 7. support of Enum that will automatically be reflected on the grid as Combo box. 8. Validation callbacks of values (meaning : allowing the developer to listen to event when a property has changed , and then tell the PG that the value is not legal => hence enforcing the old value on the PG). Thanks Tomer shaiman |
1. This is not built in but can be achieved using appropriate triggers in a custom editor template. 2 and 3. Yes, this is done using the normal WPF sorting mechanisms. 4. I think this could be achieved by retemplating the grid and specifying a custom GroupStyle, but I haven't tried it. We'd be happy to work with you to explore this. 5. This would normally be done using BrowsableAttribute, but if the business object already exists and cannot be modified, then it can be done using a type description provider. 6. This can be done using DisplayNameAttribute. 7. Yes, built in. 8. This is not built in but can be achieved by raising PropertyChanged asynchronously to make the grid think the value has been changed back -- see |
thanks, will download a demo and progress from there....