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I am testing out your product and noticed that when using the designer it keeps nesting the entities in a namespace, even though I use the root namespace in VB and have cleared the target namespace in the designer. So it basically nests everything in the root namespace twice. Is this a bug or am I doing something wrong?
No, this is a bug. Unfortunately we cannot conveniently fix it in 2.x because that would break existing code that depends on the nested namespace. We plan to fix it in 3.0. In the meantime, we apologise for the inconvenience and we hope it's not too much of a pain to work around. |
Its not a show stopper, but it is annoying. I simply remove the namespace wrapper in the generated code file every time i edit the designer. Any word on how close you guys are to releasing 3.0?
We're a few weeks away from 3.0. In the meantime, rather than editing the generated code each time, one thing you could do is edit the code generation template. Here's what you'd need to do: 1. Go into the installation directory and look under Tools > Designer > Templates > VB. 2. There should be a file in there called Base.vm. Open this file in a text editor. 3. Locate the Namespace and End Namespace statements (lines 15 and 36 respectively in the current build). 4. Delete or comment out these lines, and save the file. Next time you make a change to the model, the extraneous namespace should go away. Please note I have not tested this to see if there are any knock-on effects e.g. from having classes at the top level. I'd advise backing up Base.vm in case it all goes horribly wrong. Note also that if you reinstall LightSpeed (e.g. to upgrade to a nightly build) then you will need to reapply this change. We do provide a way to have custom templates in a per-project location so that they will not be overwritten during a reinstall, but since you are just evaluating at the moment, this is probably not worth doing at this stage -- let us know if you need info on this. |
This is still an issue in 5.0, so I would like to know more about:
Ideally I would like LightSpeed not creating nested namespaces at all. Thanks! |
| has all the details you need about how to set up custom templates for your project :)