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Hello We are developing an application where we have a wizard where the user goes through a series of steps fills out information and selects items in combo boxes and grids. The wizard works so that the current selected viewmodel is displayed using the selected data template in a content presenter. The problem is that we are using the Mindscape data grid and when we step forward in our wizard we loose our selected item state. It gets set to null. If we try to use a normal .Net data grid it works fine. But we want to use the Mindscape data grid because of its features and the themes that comes with it. I think that the problem has something to do that the Mindscape datagrid needs to have a two-way binding to the selected item. I have put together a small repo project that illustrates the problem. It has a basic wizard with two views that the user can flip between. The first view has two datagrid, one normal and one mindscape data grid. If you select an item in each of them you can see that they bind correctly to the view model since the two text boxes at the bottom of the window displays the correct names. If the user then go forward two time, first to step 2 and then to step 1 (it goes round like a carousel), only the normal datagrid has kept its state for its selected item. This is really frustrating because we really want to use the mindscape data grid. I've sent the repo project via Email to Jason. |
Hi Nicklas, Thanks for pointing this out and sending the repro project. This will be resolved in the next nightly build. Let me know if you have further questions. -Jason Fauchelle |