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Hi, Representing mutual "Friends" in a user entity can be achived by many-to-many association through-entity. However, there is a redundant Source and Target collection names, e.g., "Friends" and "Friends" This will error, of course, however having "SourceFriends" and "TargetFriends" separately is a bit weird. In other words, is there better way to represent symmetric relationships? Thanks. -chris |
I'm afraid not. Through associations are in general asymmetric and we don't have any specific support for symmetric ones. You can however make the SourceFriends and TargetFriends private, and provide a nicer public API through the partial class -- you'll still have asymmetry internally but at least your app code won't need to be aware of it. |
I see.. Thanks for the help. -chris. |
I see.. Thanks for the help. -chris. |