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Hi, I have a problem when saving my scss files: it takes 20+ sec each time! I try setting "Enable experimental fixes" to true, and yes it did reduce the time to compile the files but, it still takes 20+ secondes to save each file. I think the problem comes from the fact that we have a lot of scss files in our project. Our project has a lot of scss files because, we are developing a multiple layout web site. Each layout has different color schemes. Each schemes has 27 scss file that compile into 1 css file with ~6500 lines. If I create a new project and copy one scheme in it, and then I save a file, the compile time is almost instant. But if I copy this scheme 22 times (that's the number of scheme that we have currently in our project, and it will still grow...), and then save a file, it takes 20+ second to save and compile the file. I don't know why, but it looks like, the more scss files you have in a project, the more time it takes to save, even if there is nothing linking each file together. I have setup a folder, with the same number of file that we have in our project. You can test my sayings by creating a new empty project in VS2013, and copiying the folder in it. After you just have to open any file, change something in it and save. It will take ~20 secondes for the save icon of VS to disappear, at least for me it does. Thanks for your time. |
Are you using Compass or Sass? If you are using Compass try toggling the "Force Compass Recompile" setting under Tools/Options/Web Workbench as Compass is going to compile all files by default. If you are not using Compass you should only be compiling the immediate file you saved and any dependancies.
Hi Jeremy, Thank for your reply. I dont use compass, but I tried toggling the "Force Compass Recompile", in case that it would change something. It didn't change anything. It took exactly the same amount of time ton save/compile a scss file. I think that when I save, it compile only the file that I save because we are using TFS and the other scss files are not checked out so they are not changing. But it still take longuer to save/compile if I have a lot of scss file in the same project, even if they are not linked. |
Does the file you are saving import a number of the other files?
In my project, I have a number of folder that are different color scheme for my website. Each folder contains ~20 scss files that are compile in one "application.css". So I have a lot of folder with each a "application.scss" that import the other scss file that are in their respective folder. There is nothing linking the scss files from different folder. When I save a file in a folder, I want the "appliction.scss" of this folder to compile, not the other "application.scss" from the other folder. This is working fine, but it takes 20 secondes to save a file. I tried creating a new project, and only put one folder in it. When I have only one folder, the saving/compiling is fine, it doesn't take a lot of time. But the more I add folder the more time it takes. Sorry if it is not clear, it is a little bit hard to explain in english since it is not my mother tongue. |
Thanks for the extra info, we will see if we can reproduce this here and get back to you with an update.
I just realised that when you save a scss file, sass need to check each other scss file to see if those file "import" the file that you just save. If that's right, then maybe it is the problem. In my case, it could only check in the files that are in the same folder and it would be ok. But if it check in all files in the project, it is normal that it take a lot of times since we have ~575 scss file in all the project. Maybe if we could have an option to check only the file in the same folder it would solve our problem. Just an idea that I had while saving files - since it is so long ;) |
This is the same ongoing issue a lot of us are having with WebWorkbench. Another +1 for performing operations on a background thread. |