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Hi, Before buy the product, I would like how to make a grid for example : 15 colums and 20 rows First row have columm header text : "name, first name, address, zip code, country, date of birth" Then the row have columms with picture, or text, or date with a calendar. The row is auto resized to fix the height of the row with the text in one of the colummn Just like the Spread grid or Excel. YOUR SAMPLE only show 2 COLUMMNS, is it because it is only 2 columns possibilities ? Just take a look on for the Spread Sheet. They do not have the WPF version. That what I'm looking for, to same as their Sprezad Sheet but with WPF.
Thank you for the answer.
This is not possible with the WPF Property Grid. The property grid control isn't a data grid or a spreadsheet; it's a property grid similar to the Windows Forms PropertyGrid control, i.e. it shows the properties of a specific object in a name-value form. Microsoft's free WPF Toolkit includes a data grid which I think will be a better fit to your requirements. |
Hi, Thank's for the answer and the LINK. |