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Hello Mindscape Team, I have created a combined chart with Bar and lineseries. Sometimes the chart stuck in a strange "viewstate", once entered I can empty the bound Series-obeservable collection in vain. Refill series, but it persists in this state. I uploaded also the regular appearance. It occurs occassionally, hard to reproduce to be honest. I just observed that it happens often, when I fill the series instantly after loading the whole application. I collect data in a worker thread and call Execute.UIThread(... to fill the chart. Despite my sketchy description, perhaps you have an idea to figure out what's wrong. Cu Maik |
Hello Maik Thanks for pointing this out. I recently resolved a bug that was causing this same issue. It is likely that this bug is similar to your scenario. Please download the latest nightly build and let me know if this solves your issue or not. In this nightly build, you will also notice the large spacing between each end of the X axis and the first/last data points has been reduced. The large spacing was considered a bug which is why this has been changed. Jason Fauchelle |