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I am just trying to bind to a hierarchical entity object. First hierarchy displays well with all the entity properties. The entity object has a collection of many-to-many items which do not get displayed, instead the properties of the entity collection class (System.Data.Objects.DataClasses.EntityCollection) are exposed. Is there a way to directly only display the collection items? Entities Test / TestTag: TestTag var query = context.Test.Include("TestTags").ToList(); Test displays well, TestTag displays the collection properties not the contained items: Any chance to get around this without having to modify the T4 templates which drive code generation of the entity and collection classes?
Hello Marc, Sorry for the delay in replying -- we have been flat out with a conference. Unfortunately this is not possible because the EF EntityCollection does not provide property-based (indexer) access to its elements, which the property grid needs. For more info and possible approaches please see |