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Hi, I am using the trial version to find out if we could use your product for our project. I modified the CustomScheduleItem project supplied in the samples by adding the following lines in the file "Window1.xaml.cs":
public Window1()
{ InitializeComponent();
Scheduler.Schedule.ScheduleItemBuilder = new ScheduleItemBuilder();
Scheduler.ItemActivated += new EventHandler<ScheduleItemEventArgs>(Scheduler_ItemActivated);
Scheduler.ItemAdded += new EventHandler<AddScheduleItemEventArgs>(Scheduler_ItemAdded);
} private void Scheduler_ItemActivated(object sender, ScheduleItemEventArgs e) { }
private void Scheduler_ItemAdded(object sender, AddScheduleItemEventArgs e)
The method Scheduler_ItemAdded is called when an item is added but the method Scheduler_ItemActivated is not called when I double-click the item. Please can you advise what s wrong with the code above
thanks |
Hello Sorry about that and thanks for pointing this out. The code above is correct. When porting the Scheduler from Silverlight to WPF, the double clicking feature had been disabled. I have fixed this now and you can download this through the nightly builds from tomorrow the 18th of March. Cheers |
Hi Jason Can I get the nightly build during the trial version? Also does the mindscape schedule controler support timeline view? if so where can I get an example.
thanks Gilles |
Hello Gilles Yes you can get nightly builds for the trial version. You can download it here: At the moment the Scheduler control does not have a timeline view. I'll have a look to see if we can create a schedule view for it soon and get back to you about it later this week. Cheers |
Hi Jason I have just installed the nightly build but I still do not get the event when I double clik on an item. Which component should have changed to enable this event? Gilles |
My mistake, If you used the link I mentioned, you will find this is the one you want: Sorry for the mix up. |
Hi Jason I have got the following question following my investigation to be able to use the Windscape controller for our project: - Can the contoller be localised(Chineese, Russian, French etc) and how? - Is there any royalty fees associated to the use of the controller - Is there a functionality to import and export the appointment thanks
Gilles |
Hello Gilles 1) Yes the controller can be localised, but it requires some custom styling. If you decide to use our Scheduler in your project, then we can easily make localisation more convenient for you by adding a culture property. 2) No, there is no royalty fee at all. 3) There is some functionality for importing and exporting to XML but it is limited. If the way you want to import and export is not application-specific, then we may be able to provide more import/export funtionality to help you. If it is application-specific, then we will be able to give you details for implementing it yourself. Let me know the details of import and export that you need and I'll see what options are available. Regards |
Hi Jason, Would it be possible to localise the control using a ResourceDictionary in the xmal file and sattelite dlls?
Hello For localizing the month names, day-of-week names and the various numbers, the sattelite dll approach will not work. For these I could add a property to the scheduler that allows you to change which langauge they should be displayed in. For things like the "Month" "Week" "Day" and "Add Appointment" button labels, these could be localized using the sattelite dll approach if you needed to localize them. Let me know if you need us to add a localization property to the scheduler for localizing the month names etc. As for the the "timeline view" that you mentioned earlier this week, are you refering to the Schedule View seen in Microsoft Outlook? (See attached image). If not, let me know what kind of timeline view you are looking for. We don't currently have any plans for adding another view to the scheduler any time soon. How urgent is it to have a timeline view? Are you able to work on your project without the timeline view in the meantime? Cheers |
Hi Jason, 1) Localisation: a) I get some of the localisation if I set the "CurrentCulture" and "CurrentUICulture" of the current thread to a culture other than English. See the two attach files. The button "today" in the dropdowdatepicker will need to be localised b) Also If I set the property "language" in the main window to "fr-FR" most of it is localised apart from the days in the monthly view.
We would prefere to use method a) to localise the scheduler + the sattelite dll for things like "Month" "Week" "Day" and "Add Appointment" button labels. Is this possible?
2) You are correct regarding the timeline view. We would like to have it in June. Is this timeframe too early? |
Hello Gilles 1) Yes this localization strategy will work. At my end I'll work on fully localizing the month names, day-of-week names and the numbers for the Scheculer via changing the CurrentCulture of the application. I'll get back to you about this early next week. I'll also look into making the "Month" and "Week" labels etc easier for you to localize. 2) June is a good timeframe for us. Cheers |
Hello Gilles I have improved the localization of date related names in the Scheduler control. You can change the localization in code-behind like this: Scheduler.Language = XmlLanguage.GetLanguage("fr-FR"); or in XAML like this: <ms:Scheduler xml:lang="fr-FR" /> You will also still need to set the CurrentCulture of the current thread like you have been doing so far. This will be available through the nightly builds from tomorrow the 29th of March. Let me know if you need to be able to dynamically change the culture during runtime as I may need to make some changes to support it. Regards |
Hi Jason,
I downloaded the nightly build and the localisation seems to work. I do not think we require to change the culture dynamically.
thanks, your support is much appreciated Gilles
Hi Jason, 1) Could you provide me with details on how to localise the "Month" "Week" "Day" and "Add Appointment" button labels? Also I said in my previous post that dynamic localisation was not required but how long would it take to have it if at all possible? 2) Will we able to change the "Add Appointment" label with our own custom string? I mean easily rename the label witout mindscape to rebuild the scheduler if we want to call it "Add resource" for example? 3) On your online demo you have a "recurrence" view when adding an appointment, How can we get access to it if we creating our own "appointment" view? thanks Gilles |
Hello I will work on creating a sample to demonstrate these things and get back to you when it's done. Regards |
Hi Gilles, On the chance you are using IE9, could you repost your comment? We didn't get a message there just a blank box. We're aware of an issue with using Internet Explorer and the TinyMCE rich editor that our forum uses and working on a fix. In the meantime IE9 loses the response text. Sorry about that, John-Daniel Trask |
Hi, Indded I was using IE9.
I had a couple questions: 1) Can the appointments be sorted on the monthly view? I.e We could use the "subject" field of the ScheduleItem, Day1 has 3 appointments with the subject set to "Item1" "Item3" and "Item4" respectively, Day2 has 4 appointments with the subject set to "Item2", "Item3" and "Item5" respectively. Note that Item3 is a multi-day appointment and the appointments are not created in the above order but we would like them to be display in this order. 2) Can we modify a specific appointment without changing the rest of the appointments in case of recurring appointments?
Gilles |
As an update, we fix for the IE9 issue is now deployed. Please feel free to use that browser again. John-Daniel Trask |
Hello Gilles This post is to answer your questions mentioned here: 1) I have made modifications to WPF Elements to help with localizing the "Month", "Week", "Day" and "Add Appointment" labels. The SchedulerFormatter class now has additional properties such as MonthButtonContent which allow you to set an object (such as a string in your case) as the content of the appropriate button. In your application, you can create an instance of the SchedulerFormatter and set the 4 new content properties to be whatever strings you want as the default english labels. Then set the Scheduler.Formatter property to be the SchedulerFormatter that you create. I have attached a sample to this forum post which demonstrates how to do this. You can then apply whatever localization technique you want to the strings that you use in the SchedulerFormatter. In the sample, I have used just one possible way of localizing the application. Details can be found here: In the sample you will see that the "Month", "Week", "Day" and "Add Appointment" labels have been localized. Note: For dynamically changing the localization, it would only take a few hours for me to modify the Scheduler to support changing the month names and day-of-week names. But for labels such as "Month" and "Add Appointment" it may depend on which localization technique you use as to how possible it is. Dynamically changing these labels would need to be managed at your end. 2) Due to the changes mentioned in question 1, this is easily possible. I have also demonstrated this in the sample. You can set the SchedulerFormatter.AddAppointmentButtonContent etc to be whatever content you want. 3) Before answering this I just want to clarify what you mean. Is it that you have created a custom add-appointment dialog box and what to be able to open our recurrence editor from this? Note that the recurrence editor has a lot of text in it. If you are planning to localize all the text in the recurrence editor, you may need to create your own recurrence editor for this to be possible. Let me know your thought on this. Also let me know if there are any more content properties you would like me to add to the SchedulerFormatter. For example, if you want to localize the "Show work week" and "Show full week" labels at the top of week-view. etc Regards |
Hello Gilles This post is regarding you questions mentioned here: 1) I will have a look into this and try get back to you early next week. 2) Not sure what you are asking here, could you please give a more detailed example? Cheers |
Hi Jason, My tial time expires today, can it be extended so that I check your sample?
We will definetely need to localize the "work week" and "Show full week" labels also the "today" button on the date picker.
3) What am I really looking for is an example of how to use the recurrence engine. We will create our own dialogues but I am not sure how to use the engine.
thanks Gilles |
Hi Gilles, I have emailed you an extension to the trial licence. Please let me know if you don't receive it or if you run into any problems. I'll let Jason field the other questions as he's the scheduler guru! |
Hello I have added support for localizing the "Show work week" and "Show full week" labels. This follows the same pattern for the other localizable content properties. This will be available through the nightly builds from tomorrow the 2nd of April. Localizing the "Today" button on the date picker may be a bit more tricky. I'll get back to you on the details later. The recurrence patterns are quite easy to use. When creating a recurrence pattern there are 2 parts: RecurrenceInfo RecurrencePattern For the MonthlyPatternRecurrencePattern (and YearlyPatternRecurrencePattern), you can mix-n-match an 'occurrence' with a 'day-of-recurrence'. Here are the options: Occurrence: First, Second, Third, Fourth, Last DayOfRecurrence: Day, Weekday, WeekendDay, Sunday, Monday .... Saturday To create a recurrence pattern, you start by creating an instance of one of the available patterns described above. When doing this, the parameters you pass in to the constructor will generally be based on what the user has selected in the dialog. Next you need to create an instance of the RecurrenceInfo class. The RecurrenceInfo class has 3 static methods for creating a RecurrenceInfo based on the 3 different types of recurrence ranges as described below: RecurrenceInfo.Forever RecurrenceInfo.ToMaxOccurrence RecurrenceInfo.ToEndDate Which method you use, and what arguments to pass in are again determined by what the user has selected. Once you have the instance of the RecurrenceInfo, you can then use it to set the ScheduleItem.RecurrenceInfo property, and the Scheduler control will take care of the rest. Let me know if you have any questions about this. Reagrds |
HI Jason, The localisation looks good, I will test the other string when the build is available. Thank you for the info regarding the recurrence engine. You can forget my query about "2) Can we modify a specific appointment without changing the rest of the appointments in case of recurring appointments?".
I think I found an issue with existing recurring appointment: I created my own schedule item class that inherit from the class "ScheduleItem" and I create a recurring appointment for my class. When I double click of this recurring appointment then I receive an ItemActivated event with the sender and ScheduleItemEventArgs object. This object contains the "Item" field(the item activated). This field cannot be converted (e.Item as "my class") as my overloaded class wheras if I add a non recurring appointment and activate this appointment then I can convert to my class. Can you advise me if it is the normal behaviour? thanks
Gilles |
This does not sound like normal behaviour. I will check it out and get back to you early next week. Regards |
Hi Jason, A team decision was taken to use a different scheduler control. The other scheduler control supplier was chosen because of the following:
press te wrong button before I finished. Hi Jason, A team decision was taken to use a different scheduler control. The other scheduler control supplier was chosen because of the following: - Bigger forum, examples - Timeline - ReadOnly appointments - A couple members of the team already knew the other supplier. Thank you for your excellent suport. Gilles |
No problem, thanks for the feedback. - Jason |