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Hi, I'm using the trial version before buy a license, buy i have a problem. I need a chart with Datetime Axis and the problem is that i can't show the DateTime formated. <ch:Chart x:Name="marketChart"> <ch:AreaSeries XBinding="{Binding Date}" YBinding="{Binding CurrentValue}"/> <ch:Chart.BackgroundElements> <ch:ChartGrid /> </ch:Chart.BackgroundElements> <ch:Chart.XAxis> <ch:ChartAxis ValueConverter="{StaticResource DateTimeAxisValueConverter}" Title="" LabelFormat="MM yyyy"/> </ch:Chart.XAxis> <ch:Chart.YAxis> <ch:ChartAxis Title="" Minimum="9000" Maximum="11000"/> </ch:Chart.YAxis> </ch:Chart> How can i format the datetime axis label?
Hello Fernando Change the LabelFormat to be: "{}{0:MM yyyy}" - Jason |