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I need to create charts in code. Generally this has been working fine, but I find that when I add a PieChartSeries in code the legend displays the text "Mindscape.WpfElements.Charting.LegendItem" where the color keys should be. I created a simple project that demonstrates this, but since I can't figure out how to attach a zip, I have just inserted the code below. There are three tabs. On each tab is a bar chart and a pie chart. On the first tab both charts are completely set up in XAML (except for setting the ItemsSource), and everything is fine. On the second chart the series are still added in XAML but the bindings are set up in code, and everything is still fine. On the third tab the series are completely set up in code--the bar chart is fine, but the pie chart shows the problems. Might this be a bug, or is there something I need to do? Here is the XAML for MainWindow <Window x:Class="PieChartTest.MainWindow" Here is the code behind: using System.Windows;
Hello Thanks for spotting this bug and sending us a repro. This bug has now been fixed and the update will be available through the next nightly builds from about 1200 GMT. This will be available from the downloads page: A file can be attached to a forum post by using the "options" tab. - Jason |