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We using an IDesignTimeNamingStrategy that preserves database name casing. This generates entity names such as 'fwTest' (which is what we want). It also generates association names such as 'fwTests'. However, when using the metadata API to retrieve properties and associations, the names are returned as uppercase (such as 'FwTests'), which of course does not match the real property name 'fwTests'. We are using the following design time naming strategy: public class PreserveDatabaseConventions : IDesignTimeNamingStrategy, IOverrideClrConventions { #region IDesignTimeNamingStrategy Members
} |
The "PropertyName" value (which I assume is what you are looking at) returns the default value we expect the property to be called not an actual property which is handling the field so this isn't a reliable means of determining the property as you could be generating this yourself (e.g. setting the generation mode to be field only or none) or using a design time naming strategy as you are in this case.