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Hi, See the following linq expression: var queryA = from ticket in uow.Tickets join status in uow.TicketStatuses on ticket.TicketStatusId equals status.Id select new TicketInfo { TicketId = ticket.Id, TicketStatus = status.Name, Title = ticket.Title, OrganisationId = ticket.OrganisationId, AssignedUserId = ticket.AssignedToUserId }; When I execute the query above, the SQL generated returns 5 columns in the SELECT statement (as expected). var queryB = from ticket in uow.Tickets join submitter in uow.TicketSubmitters on ticket.Id equals submitter.TicketId join status in uow.TicketStatuses on ticket.TicketStatusId equals status.Id select new TicketInfo { TicketId = ticket.Id, TicketStatus = status.Name, Title = ticket.Title, OrganisationId = ticket.OrganisationId, AssignedUserId = ticket.AssignedToUserId, CustomerId = submitter.OpenedByUserId }; When I execute query B, the SQL generated returns all columns from all tables (Tickets, TicketSubmitters and TicketStatus). How can I enforce this query to return me only the 6 columns that I want? The version of Mindscape.Lightspeed assembly is 4.0.887.18671. Thanks, Christiano |
I have noticed that if I replace my POCO class TicketInfo to an anonymous type, the select statement works as expected. Is there a way for me to make this work with my class? I suppose it would be silly to copy from the anonymous type to the DTO class. Thanks, Christiano. |
Yes I believe this is something we addressed quite a while ago in 4.0 where projections into known types would fall back into being handled client side and we have since added support to handle this. Can you try with a more recent build of either 4.0 or 5.0 to check that this resolves your issue.