WPF Stock Chart
A stock (or OHLC) chart is a financial chart used to display open-high-low-close values. It assists in the visual analysis of performance trends that can be extracted from finance data. The open mark is displayed as a tick to the left of the vertical bar, and the close mark is displayed to the right.
Points rendered based on data
Data points can be rendered differently depending on whether the close value is higher than the open value or not - in the above screenshot the point is colored blue if the close is higher or red if it is lower. Full WPF styling support means you aren't limited to just colors, the points can be customized to match your application's look while ensuring the trend remains easy to read in the manner you see fit.
Data binding
Full support for WPF data binding makes it easy to hook charts up to your business objects and to keep your views lightweight and easy to test.
Fully customizable
Every part of the chart control can be customized to suit. Styles or templates can be applied to the title, legend items, axis labels and much more.
And much more
Plus lots of great features and options supported across the WPF Chart range, including alternate Y axes, data labelling, zoom support, configurable selection modes, chart events, flexible axis labelling and scaling, background elements and high performance with even the largest data sets.