Web Workbench forum

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Sticky threads
sticky thread Web Workbench FAQ
Last post by ivan about 12 years ago
0 replies
Feature requests
sticky thread Feature requests
thread Include LESS Debug Info in compiled CSS
Last post by jeremy about 11 years ago
1 reply
thread No IntelliSense/Autocomplete/Indentation in Scss and CoffeeScript
Last post by jeremy about 11 years ago
7 replies
thread What version of LESS compiler is currently being used
Last post by jeremy about 11 years ago
1 reply
thread TFS check-out problem
Last post by jeremy about 11 years ago
25 replies
thread VS 2013 support, when?
Last post by jeremy about 11 years ago
4 replies
thread Can't compile Sass in VS2012
Last post by jeremy about 11 years ago
5 replies
thread Output Style-sheets to multiple directories.
Last post by jeremy about 11 years ago
3 replies
thread Moving the config.rb file location that was installed for Compass
Last post by tonyjessup about 11 years ago
2 replies
thread Line jump on closing a curly brace
Last post by jeremy about 11 years ago
1 reply
thread Highlight for .sass not working
Last post by jeremy about 11 years ago
1 reply
thread Using the Compass susy grid system within a SASS stylesheet
Last post by jeremy about 11 years ago
5 replies
thread WebWorkbench code coloring freezes on long lines
Last post by dtyger about 11 years ago
0 replies
thread Site License VS 1 developer License
Last post by nayon@mail.ru about 11 years ago
2 replies
thread Less compile error
Last post by pointbypoint about 11 years ago
2 replies
thread Web Workbench Will not work with Resharper 6 Installed
Last post by john-daniel about 11 years ago
8 replies
thread SCSS source maps
Last post by jeremy about 11 years ago
1 reply
thread VS2012 CoffeeScript Icon
Last post by jeremy about 11 years ago
1 reply
thread Visual Studio 2012 intellisense overridden by Mindscape Workbench
Last post by drubino about 11 years ago
8 replies
thread Web Workbench Settings - minify option
Last post by Maruz about 11 years ago
2 replies
thread Slow conversion from coffeescript
Last post by jeremy about 11 years ago
1 reply
thread Syntax Error Squigglies in Imported Files
Last post by jpolete about 11 years ago
6 replies
thread SCSS Syntax Error: Mixins
Last post by jeremy about 11 years ago
2 replies
thread Syntax Highlighting Bug
Last post by jeremy about 11 years ago
2 replies
thread Saving and compiling .less takes 1-2 minutes.
Last post by jeremy about 11 years ago
5 replies
thread System.ComponentModel.Win32Exception (0x80004005): The system cannot find the file specified
Last post by jeremy about 11 years ago
1 reply