For when you want to impress your users, choose the Book control - it's a stunning way to display your content. Users can turn the pages like a physical book, quickly flip to the next page, or click on a button to jump to their desired page.
The Book control features a stunning effect when changing the page. Users can click/tap and hold on a page edge or corner, and as they drag the page will lift and turn, just like a physical book. This effect looks great in motion - download the trial version and check out the demo in the Sample Explorer project to experience it. Users can also quickly flip to the next page by clicking or tapping once on the page edge.
Providing content for the Book is as simple as adding WinRT UI elements as children of the Book instance. These can be anything - images, paths, buttons, rich text blocks and more. Creating detailed pages is just as easy, and is done by placing the content within multiple panels or grids.
Placing a Button instance inside a DataTemplate and binding it to a Command will allow your users to immediately flip to any page in the book. Great for contents or index sections, or for creating hypertext-like documents.