Scatter Charts for WinRT

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A scatter chart is an excellent way to visualize the relationship between two variables, where they have X and Y values. Metro Elements includes a powerful yet easy to use control to achieve this. You get a range of different point visuals as inspiration, such as cross, circle, diamond, plus and much more. Like all our charts, they have mouse/pointer-over effects and selection states baked in. Bubble charts are also included, for when you need to represent three variables.

Top Features


Heaps of point visuals included

The Sample Explorer project includes the following point DataTemplates, ready for use in your app or as inspiration for a custom design: cross, plus, diamond, triangle, square and ring.

Selection states

All our charts feature selection states - when a user hovers over a point it will change color, and when they tap or click it will become highlighted.

Overlay trend line with composite charts

It's common to want to visualize the points' overall trend, for instance as used in regression analysis. This is simple with Metro Elements, as the Chart control is completely modular. You can place a line series alongside a scatter series to achieve this effect with minimal effort.

Bubble charts

This chart type can be used when you have data that has X and Y coordinates and an additional variable, such as size. The selection states look particularly good with this chart!

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